Addressing Trauma Grief and Loss - FREE eBook
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Addressing Trauma, Grief and Loss - A Personal Journey, is in response to very many requests for help with this vexing issue. This eBook is available free, as a service to you and your friends.
The book is my attempt to be of assistance in a very emotional area. In it I have firstly related my personal experience of grief and loss, and then have gone on to offer some different strategies which have come out of this experience. I have taken the liberty of reproducing questions that I have been asked with my answers (no holds barred). Please know that this small book, coming from my experience, does not attempt to be or to provide a definitive answer to everyone's grief issues, however it does offer a way forward.
There is a "catch" - I would like your comments on the book. Could you please email or telephone me with any feedback you have about its contents or perhaps any result from putting the strategies into action in your life. Why? Because, sometime, I would like to publish it as hard copy and I'm sure it can be improved by your input.
It often takes a crisis before we discover our inner strength. When faced with grief and loss, we can allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by the pain, or we can choose to work through it and grow from the experience.
Going through the emotions associated with grief and loss is a normal part of the grieving process and it is necessary to reconcile ourselves in some way so that we can move on from the experience to become a better, stronger person with a greater sense of purpose in life as a result.